24/7 Access!
We're living in the cloud! There's no software to install, your data is always available. Treasurer's Briefcase can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can work on your schedule.
You can setup accounts for other members of your organization so they can access reports and enter data or you can restrict access to only certain functions within the system.
Document Storage
All of your documents are safely stored in
the cloud so you can access them any time you need them! Documents
are encrypted and a secret pin number restricts access to the
Treasurer's Briefcase turns that disorganized box of receipts and papers into an organizational asset! You can tag documents so that you can search them later. Attaching documents or receipts to specific check book transactions is a drag and drop operation. Treasurer's Briefcase is the solution to providing transparency and integrity to your organization's finances.
Instant Hands Off
With our document repository and our cloud based manangement of all your checking transactions, handing off the duties to the next treasurer is simply a matter of creating a new account for the next treasurer. Once you've created the new account and the new treasurer has signed, you can disable your account and be certain you've left the next treasurer in good hands with Treasurer's Briefcase!!